What Love Has Lost Read online

Page 4

  All of a sudden, that same heat starts intensifying. Whatever he's doing, he needs to quit!

  Nathan shakes as he continues to click his teeth together. "You promised me last night that we start on a clean slate. Why all of a sudden do you hate me?"

  Do I hate him? I'm not so sure.

  "Do you hate me, Inn?" he continues taunting me. He gradually motions his arm towards my face, as he gently places it there. Please, let there be a distraction so Nathan can stop taunting me!

  Of course, I hate you! That's what I should've said...

  To my success, a distraction comes to my full attention because someone knocks on the door, rapidly. I snap myself back into reality and swiftly gallop towards the front door. The heat diminishes as I continue to walk further away from him. Carefully, I open the door and find Grady with Italian food on one hand, and a bakery box on the other.

  What's the occasion? Did Rhi hypnotize Grady?

  "Whoa, what's with the Italian food and the dessert?" I ask, tapping onto the wooden floor.

  Grady rolls his gorgeous blue eyes. "Inn, you have no idea how demanding Rhiannon can be. How do you deal with her?" Grady chuckles and I join him as I let him inside the apartment.

  "Hey Nate," Grady greets and sets the food onto the table. Nathan sits beside me as Grady sits in front. "So, what were you two talking about before I arrived?" Grady wiggles his eyebrows.

  I throw my fork onto my plate.

  "Well," Nathan presses as he taps on his chin, acting intelligent. "We were discussing about how much time Inna and I will be seeing each other." Nathan widely grins. I can feel my eyes bulging out of my sockets. In disbelief, Nathan continues, "I know how much Inna misses me."

  He stretches out his arm and places it around my shoulder. Every inch of my body urges me to chop off his arm! I deathly glare at his arm and then turn to face him, still glaring.

  "I bet you two are going to end up together!" Grady smirks. Truthfully, I think Grady isn't very supportive, compared to Rhiannon. I roll my eyes as I reach his hand and remove his arm away from me.

  Like that will ever happen!


  "Ah!" a girl screams as she awakes me from my beautiful sleep in the middle of the night. I forgot that I slept onto the couch. Why am I sleeping on the couch? I see Rhiannon yelling at something on the ground, while she is holding a broom as her protection. Gradually, I get up out of the couch and slowly walk towards the kitchen.

  "Don't go near that thing!" Rhiannon cautions. I cock an eyebrow.

  "Why?" I calmly ask as I place both hands on my hips.

  "Grady! Grady, get over here," Ignoring my question, she calls for Grady's help. "There's a mutant in the kitchen! Hurry!" Rhiannon continues with her rampage. I walk closer to see a better view.

  Suddenly, I see a sleepy Nathan with those carved abs and pajama bottoms. Oh my god, did I just think that? It's as if he cast a spell on me! "What's going on?" Nathan yawns and stretches. I stare at his upper body.

  Oh my god, his body got into better shape, compared to four years ago... No! Inna, have control on yourself!

  Retrieving from my daydream, I snap back to reality as Nathan glares at my direction. He must've seen me looking at him. I shake my head and avert my attention back to Rhiannon and the mutant.

  "Don't just stand there, kill it!" Rhiannon commands, motioning the broom towards the problem.

  Nathan doesn't hesitate, so he swiftly walks towards the kitchen and sees a mouse, squeaking and eating food remains, which are left on the floor. Nathan grabs a dustpan and the broom from Rhiannon and sweeps the mouse. He orders me to grab a plastic bag. I quickly grab one and he orders me to open it. I obey as I watch him dip the mouse into the plastic bag.

  "Wait, you're not going to kill it, are you?" I warn him. He knows very well that I adore animals, whether it is a small, rodent creature, or an insect. I don't like killing other organisms or species. They have a purpose of living in our world, too.

  "What are you talking about Inna? You should definitely kill it!" Rhiannon squeals.

  Nathan and I ignore her rants as we walk outside the apartment to let the little creature out into the world. I start giggling out of nowhere. Nathan just speculates me with a weird expression across his face. "What's so funny?"

  "Rhiannon's face was epic!" I continue cackling. Nathan joins. We finally stop on the side of the street and let the mouse free. Afterwards, I throw away the plastic bag into the dumpster. I shut the lid and smile at Nathan. "Wow, you were really brave, grabbing that mouse out of our apartment." I compliment.

  Nathan scratches the back of his brown hair. "No problem." He scoffs.

  I come to a stop. "What was that?"

  "What was what?" he asks, acting so oblivious. I smile at him, being so mesmerized by his adorable emerald eyes. Whoa, did I just state that inside my mind? Seriously, this man cast a spell onto me.

  "The scoff..." my eyes roam around the premises.

  "I remember how much you are in love with animals, that's all." Nathan shrugs and continues walking towards the entrance. Then, he completely stops and turns around. "Aren't you coming? It's frigid cold out here!"

  "Don't you just want to stop and stare at the stars?" I confirm while looking up at the dark black sky, filled with white spots, which twinkles during the night.

  Nathan walks down the steps. "Our first date..."

  "What?" I ask him, acting astonished.

  "On our first date, we stared at the stars and shared our first kiss..." Nate reminds me.

  My eyes averts from the dark, black sky to Nathan's glistening emerald eyes. "Yeah, our first date..." I trail, looking down at the ground and chewing onto my lower lip.

  Unfortunately, I hear Nathan clears his throat. "We probably should head back inside."

  I nod my head, vigorously, as I continue to follow Nathan inside the apartment. As we reached my bedroom, Nathan quietly shuts the door and lets out a sigh. I walk towards my side of the king size bed, unraveling the covers.

  "Uh, what was that all about back there?" Nathan asks, and I stop whatever I am doing.

  "Rhiannon is just being herself. That girl can surprise everyone. She probably woke up the neighbors because of her shrills." I jokes and continue laughing, messing with my bangs.

  Nathan chuckles and shakes his head, as his hair swoops from one direction to another. "I wasn't talking about that." Nathan clarifies. I raise an eyebrow.

  "Then, what are you talking about?" I emphasize, while I strut my way towards Nathan. He places his hands in his pajama pockets. God, I love how he does that. Oh my god, what am I saying? Snap out of it, Inna!

  "I'm talking about the way you were looking at me when I came out of your room."

  Oh my god, he noticed!

  "What?" I ask dumbfound. "I don't understand what you're talking about." I scoff as I look down at the floor, looking at my horrible toes. Whoever painted my toenails has done a horrible fucking job!

  "Oh, you're really going to play that card?" Nathan grins while he keeps his hands in his pockets. Walking towards me, I start feeling that same heat intensifying. What the fuck is going on? Nathan finally stops, grabs my hand, and gently places it on his six-pack abs.

  "I knew you were staring at these." Nathan whispers in my ear. My heart rate increases and the noise get louder. I hope he doesn't hear my heart. That can be a sign for the weak. In that case, I cannot fall in love with him, either!

  "Nathan, stop this..." I breathe. He lets go of my hand as I let it drop onto my side.

  He lets out a sympathetic look. I hate doing this. I hate rejection. I hate being the one getting hurt in the end. I hate all madness that was created between us. I hate seeing him when I'm in pain. I hate repeating memories, which I enjoy and then the memories that saddens me the most. I hate all of this!

  "Inn, I want to know..."

  "No, stop it!" I project, fighting the tears that will flow out of my brown eyes.

  Nathan doesn't
say a word. So, I continue. "I don't to complicate things, Nate. I just want us to be friends and never speak about us as a couple ever again! Do we have a negotiation?"

  Nathan opens his mouth, and then he closes it. He nods as an agreement and continues to walk towards the other side of the bed. I let out a long sigh, not looking at Nathan's melancholy expression.

  What the fuck have I done?


  June 02, 2008

  "C'mon, Inn, just jump in!" Nathan encourages as he is in the deep end of the pool. I hate the cold. I hate cold weather, and the cold water. The sunrays hit my sensitive tan skin, and my feet touches the freezing water.

  "What are you afraid of? It's just water!" Nathan continues.

  "You know, you're not making me want to jump and swim with you." I yell, sticking my tongue at him.

  "What? I want you to swim with me! Besides, you do not know what you're missing!" Nathan lies on his back, basking the moment of me being chicken, and him, being an egotistic jerk.

  "Ugh, you're so frustrating!" I complain, crossing my arms around my chest.

  Nathan dives into the water as I can barely see him. "Nate? Nate, where are you?" My eyes continue to scan for him, but to my luck, I failed. "Nate, this isn't funny, c'mon." I whine.

  I let out a frustrated groan and stick my foot into the water. Somehow, I feel a hand, grabbing onto my foot and pulls me into the water. I scream. Soaking wet, I hear Nathan baffling. I splash a chunk of water towards his face.

  "Hey, that's not fair!" Nate splashes back.

  "Oh, I'm not fair? You're the one who pulled me into the frigid water!" I fight, splashing him again.

  We keep splashing towards each other for a couple of minutes. I get closer to him as our faces are inches away from each other. I can just stare at those gorgeous emerald eyes all day. I let out a small smile.

  "What?" Nathan asks.

  I shake my head, star struck. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

  His eyes grow wider. He doesn't respond quickly, nor does hesitate on saying. "I'm already falling in love with you. The more time I see you, the more I want to be with you. I want you, and I am positive about us." Nathan finishes. I don't hesitate, so I kiss him passionately while we are in my pool.

  Chapter Five

  So Much for Bonfires

  The days continue to pass; I watch the snowflakes fall from our window. Unfortunately, I hear Rhiannon groaning about her incoherent reasons. I don't see why someone jolly and frantic as she can be so...pessimistic - let alone - grumpy.

  Avoiding her small tantrums, I decide to paint my nails. I usually am not the person, who goes to a place to get her nails done, but I think it's hereditary to do so.

  "I'm so bored!" Rhiannon groans, again. For my entertainment, it's humorous sometimes to see Rhiannon become a whole different person. For Grady and Nathan, I won't be the one to judge since they are males and acts like males - the type of males who acts so childish, daily.

  "Go watch TV, take a bath, write a journal, read a book, play video games, or run outside... Just do something!" I practically yell in her ear. Rhiannon huffs and slouches into the couch.

  "What are you doing?" Rhiannon ask, being her nosy self.

  "Painting my nails; what the hell does it look like I'm doing?"

  Rhiannon doesn't backfire any clever remarks. From the corner of my eyes, I watch her grab the remote and start flipping channels. Continuing on flipping channels, I anxiously become annoyed by her as I snatch the device out of her hand.

  "Dude, what the hell?" Rhiannon practically screams.

  "You were flipping channels for ten minutes!" I exclaim as I throw the remote onto the furniture in front of me. Rhiannon gradually gets out of the couch and starts walking towards the kitchen. "Oh, now, what are you doing?"

  "I'm going to get ice cream; is that a problem, mother?" Rhiannon spats.

  Sometimes, Rhiannon gets on my case and other times, I get on hers. It's a very normal best friend routine that we like to do on occasions. If we get along too much, then there will be rampage between the two of us at times. Best friends need to pull out a little steam, am I correct?

  I mutter something that Rhiannon cannot decipher. Rhiannon can have her arguments, but she doesn't force anyone to go dramatic as if it is a soap opera movie from Lifetime. It's silly to think that reality and media can collapse together. Honestly, the media adds too much fucking exaggerations, so they can receive more money.

  Finally, Grady and Nathan enters the apartment. I hear them laughing and communicating about whatever men talk about, as Rhiannon and I continue on being bored. They both finally come to a halt as they see Rhiannon and I are bored out of our minds.

  "Whoa, this is mellowing me down." Grady jokes and gives Nathan a high-five.

  I plop out of the couch and strut towards the kitchen.

  This time, Nathan takes the courage to speak. "So, what are you girls up to?"

  "Ask her!" Rhiannon belches and points her finger at me. I gawk at her.

  "Uh, is this a bad time?" Nathan hesitates and leisurely trails backwards towards our front door. Then, I watch Nate nudge Grady's arm as Grady chimes after clearing his throat.

  "Um, yeah, this is probably a bad time. I'll let you two settle things on your own."

  Suddenly, we both hear feet shuffling towards the door.

  "I don't want to be alone in the room with her, so I advise you to stay here!" Rhiannon commands. I chug a bottle of water into my mouth as I watch Grady and Nathan, standing before us, and Rhiannon, sitting on the couch with an angered expression that plasters onto her face.

  Grady coughs as they both turn around, walking towards us. "Honey, I think you need to relax. I bet you've had a hard day at work or something." Grady forces a bright, white smile, but truthfully, Rhiannon cannot see it. I roll my eyes as this pointless effect is humoring me.

  Being concerned, I hear Grady whisper to Nathan. "Or, maybe it's that time of the month..."

  "I'm not on my period, you know!" Rhiannon confesses.

  "Did you get her pregnant?" Nathan comments while he stifles his laughter. Grady pokes his elbow towards his side, forcefully. Nathan's laughter diminishes. I scoff while I place the bottled water back into the refrigerator.

  "Then, why are you so grumpy?" Grady asks. The room becomes quiet.

  Uh-oh, he probably shouldn't have answered that question.

  We all watch Rhiannon stand up and walk towards Grady and Nathan. Waiting for her response, she crosses her arms and slowly says, "Because. I'm. Fucking. Bored!" she projects her voice as the sound waves echoes.

  Grady and Nathan stifles their laughter. I shake my head. It's very disappointing that we live with two idiots in this residence. It's also disappointing because Rhiannon can act so immature at times, so I feel mortified as well. "Oh, you think it's so funny! You two were outside in the snow, while Inna and I were stuck here!"

  "Why don't we get your mind cleared and leveled?" Grady soothes while both hands rest upon both of her shoulders. Rhiannon lets out a relieving sigh and nods. Grady and Rhiannon leaves, so Nathan and I alone in the same room. This is going to be another awkward moment.

  "Wow that was something..." Nathan tries to break the awkwardness around us. Tugging a piece of my hair, I stiffly nod my head as a sign of an agreement. Not noticing, I start chewing onto my lower lip. Not knowing that Nathan was paying attention to me, he snorts.

  I arch my perfectly plucked eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

  Nathan ruffles the back of his head. "Uh, I didn't know how dramatic Rhiannon can be. She seems so lively and bright and then she switches to bitchy and uncontainable."

  I form a small smile. "Well, that's Rhiannon for you. She's a handful. She's very unpredictable, too, but we all love her." In my mind, I rewind those memories I had with Rhiannon and Grady. They've been there for me, through thick and thin. Of course, memories are just a pigment of everyone's life. I cannot help but let out a small chuckle
because of all the hilarious moments I shared with them. They are the ones who make my life more meaningful.

  "They're like your family, huh?" Nathan interrupts.

  I completely forgot that he was standing there!

  I hear Nathan chuckling. "You're too cute when you're in your own fantasy world, and then come back to reality." Nathan comments. A slight tint of a red blush appears across my face. Is he complimenting me?

  "I do not go into my own fantasy world! How dare you!" I bark. Crossing my arms around my chest, Nathan scoots closer to me. "Besides, you don't know me. You barely know me! Ugh, I should've known better...Rhiannon was right." I exhale as I slap my hand against my forehead.

  "What are you saying?" Nathan asks, waiting patiently for me to respond.

  "I'm saying that I shouldn't have let you on when we were dating!" Spilling venom from my mouth, I try my best to avoid eye contact. I'm trying my best not to hurt his feelings, but the boy irritates me when I'm near him! No, it's not the sexual tension I have towards him.

  Wait a minute, I have no sexual connection with him!

  "Are you saying that it's my fault -?"

  I groan, "Yes, it's your damn fault! You were the one who wanted to have sex, in the first place! I bet I was just your rag doll who you can toy and mess. I bet you've fucked every other girl in the street after you were through with me! That's why you broke up with me, because I gave you what you've wanted! Tell me the fucking truth for once, Nathan!"

  I try my best to hold back the tears. Nathan avoids looking at me, so he continues to stare at the ground. Nathan whispers, "Yes, everything you said is true." He says, still avoiding eye contact.

  "That's all I need to hear..." I sniff. Motioning my body away from Nathan, I quickly rush towards my room as I slam the door and lock it. It's hard for me to swallow and accept the truth, compared to hearing it. I honestly wish that Nathan hadn't taken me for granted.